An XYBOOM Story Night: Coming Nov. 26th, 2014
For many, the concept of a ‘dream job’ is idealized, and yet, can feel out of reach. Despite this, more and more individuals are redefining what ‘work’ looks and feels like on their own terms. This XYBOOM Story Night is designed so that you will hear stories and learnings directly from people who are in various stages of doing just this – creating meaningful work through unconventional paths. Using facilitated participatory methods, this story night is an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, hear from people about their struggles and successes, and even chart your potential next steps.
Doors will open for this event at 5:30pm to provide some networking time for everyone, as well as time to eat a light dinner before we start. The workshop will begin promptly at 6:00pm. The location will be announced shortly, though it will be accessible by transit and located in Vancouver.
In 2012, we held our first XYBOOM conference, bringing together young under/unemployed Gen Y’s with businesses to explore meaningful ways in which generations can collaborate in order to mitigate some of the challenges affecting us all in the workplace and workforce. We were so inspired by the passion, drive and even the anxiety that many of the youth showed at that event, that we wanted to create something special that could speak to some of the questions and concerns that were brought up around creating meaningful work. The more we got into the development of this event, the more we realized that this concept is one that individuals from all generations in the workforce may be grappling with.
In the face of the changing workforce and employment precarity, an increasing number of people are turning to entrepreneurship in order to forge their own work paths. More and more, individuals of all ages are re-defining what ‘work’ looks and feels like on their own terms – and often times, this is also so that they can do work that prioritizes an element of social impact or positive social change. But oftentimes, it can be daunting to figure out exactly how to pursue such a career path – how to engage a team or supportive network to help make your vision a reality, how to build capacity or hone a craft, how to create space for entrepreneurialism within a structured organization or outside a 9-5, how to find the courage to take risks and move on from failure…This XYBOOM Story Night is designed to unpack some of these questions. We want to spotlight the diverse possibilities around creating meaningful work through unconventional paths and create space for attendees to authentically engage and learn, both with and from each other.
We are so happy to be partnering with SFU RADIUS and CatalystsX on this event. Please click here for more information and to register for this event. See you there!