Youth are, undoubtedly, extremely vital to the future of the Canadian workforce. And, by attending the conference, they will gain valuable first-hand advice on entering an ever-evolving multi-generational workforce. They will gain insight and strategies that will help reduce the inherent fears of entering this workforce after graduation. And, as they learn about different generational perspectives within the current job market, they will be able to take away truly unique learning experiences from working professionals in their industry.
Here’s what Shem, our volunteer graphic designer, had to say about the conference:
The Top reason why everyone should come to this conference is to surround themselves with others beyond their like-mindedness. To get new insights of the workplace from a different standpoint would help them be better within their own careers.
What is the top reason someone like you must attend the XYBOOM Conference this year? Gaining insight of what’s to come in the future in relation to the multi-generational job market is important in helping me get to where I want to go later in life.
If you are hesitant in venturing into a new workplace territory because of generational gaps then you need to come to the XYBOOM Conference
Why did you decide to become a part of XYBOOM Conference Team? As a student who’s going to graduate in the coming years, I have my own reservations when it comes to the workplace. In order for me to help get over those reservations, I had to get out there, literally. I was lucky to have found the XYBOOM Team to not only work with new people outside of the school structure, but to also be involved in a topic that has troubled me as graduation creeps closer.
What are you most excited to take away from this year’s conference? The workplace stories people will share with each other. Getting that perspective can be a learning experience I can take with me in the future.
As a 30-day countdown to the XYBOOM Conference, we’re listing one new reason everyday on why you should attend!
Check out our ongoing list of reasons to attend.